Hello and Welcome

Welcome to the blog, "BIGS 'n' LITTLES". Here you will read about the big and little things which happen to the author, M. Johan .S, and many other thrilling, helpful and exciting things he just has to say.

Friday, 28 September 2012

A Little More About My Sisters

 Hello again readers, right now I think I want to write because I haven't written in several days, like six. Yes, it's a BIG deal. I just don't want to be like my lousy sisters who had blogs, but haven't written in it due to a medical condition which just so happens to be LAZINESS. Okay fine their not that lazy, maybe. I'm not talking about Sara though, she still is pretty lazy but at least she still has a blog. The others left their blog like two years ago.

Speaking of sisters, I want to tell you more about them. One, if they saw me writing this right now, they would shove me off seat and write,"My sisters are great, kind, generous, obedient and very well behaved. (pretending to be me)", if Sara saw me writing though, she would write,"My sisters are great and all but who's really great, is Sara. Oh yeah, she is the best sister I could ever have. (also pretending to be me)".

And two, is that, well I'll think about number two .I'm not really sure whether I should write about all of them in this post or one in each post. I think I'll just write about each of them in separate posts.
That's all I'm going to write today so if you're an adult please go onto my mom's blog  and if you're a person who loves art please check my sister's blog (Sara) which is filled with art at the address of promisedathousandstimesover.tumblr, bye.

Thanks for reading, AND TELL YOUR FRIENDS!

Corrected by: Myself but if you find any mistakes please mention it in the comments below, it will be very much appreciated.

Saturday, 22 September 2012

A few pictures

 Just a few pictures.                                                                                                                                    



 Hello again people, the reason I'm writing now is because I'm bored and waiting for my dad to wake up so that I can go to my friends house. That means you Arif, you should try this blog thing, it's fun. And remember how I said I was going to camp today? Well I can't because I only had two hours of sleep yesterday because we had to go to the airport because my uncle and auntie were leaving to go to South Hampton for their studies. I asked to follow but everyone knows that's not going to happen.                                                                  
 My mom told me to play with my blog sometime, and I'm trying but I actually don't know what she means. Maybe this is what she means, v,ndvuhdvhdugvysdhgurehgyreuvfygvehuegyerhyrfugrr8r... maybe. Since I'm just doing this for fun I don't really know what to write about. So I think I'll let you guys tell me what to write, so just put it in the comments.                                                                                                                              
 And don't forget to check out my sister's blog which is at the address of promisedathousandtimesover.tumblr if you like art and pictures, if you want me to promote any of your stuff or want me to write a post about something just put it in the comments below.I'll even put your name here.

Thanks for reading,TELL YOUR FRIENDS!

Corrected by:myself, but if you find any mistakes please mention it in the comments below.

Friday, 21 September 2012

My Dad

 Hello once again fellow readers, if you've read my post about my family I think you'll know what I'm going to write. If you haven't, well I recommend that you read my past posts. Anyways I think I'll start with my dad's childhood, my dad was a very smart and hardworking student. Even though his school was miles away from his home, he would always come and get top in his class every year. After that, he went to Uppingham, a very prestigious boarding school which is in England because of his grades. After his hard work in school, he finally graduated and got a scholarship to Nottingham University. There he was a little older than the rest, but he still got great friends, and there he also met my mom and I'm very grateful for that. And since my mom is now telling me not to use real names in my blog I'll just tell you the letters which my dad's friends names start with, M, E and P. To me him and his friends were more like a gang because they would always do crazy things.                                                                                                                                                  
 The first thing I was told about was that they cycled for a thousand kilometers across France. That's incredibly insane. Well, he was extremely fit that time so I guess he wanted to keep it up. Another thing he and his friends did was climbing up a mountain which had an insane blizzard on it. He said it was really scary, well that's what anyone would say after they've been stuck on a mountain which had several cliffs on it and they had no idea where they were going. Dad, next time can you tell a story to me more specifically. And obviously they didn't know there was a blizzard before they went up. His friend E didn't want to go (because he was sane) so he only went with M and P. To get down there was only two ways. A safe way down and a long fall off a cliff. They were blind in the blizzard so there map didn't really help. Fortunately, they chose the right path. And the last thing I was told was that he hiked for three hundred kilometers with a twelve-pound bag on his back.

 Like I said, my family's awesome. That's really all I'm gonna say right now so don't forget to read promisedathousandtimesover.tumblr and if YOU want me to promote any of your, well anything. Just put it in the comments below.    

Thanks for reading,TELL YOUR FRIENDS!

Corrected by: Myself but if you see any mistakes, mention it in the comments below.    

Big 'n' Little Accidents

 Hello again, I have no idea why I'm writing twice a day, is that weird to you guys because it's weird to me, not that I'm saying that you're weird because you don't think it's weird it's just that, you know what? Never mind, I should get on with it shouldn't I? Anyways, I told you guys I was going to make a post on my past accidents. Well, here it is. Nobody really asked me to do this... (sob). Another reason for me to post twice is because I have a camp tomorrow and I can't blog when I'm at camp (obviously).                                                              

 So I have about three accidents I want to tell you guys about and it involves me being chased, almost having my head scraped and hitting my face on the ground. So when I was 4-7 my biggest fear would definitely be dogs. I'ts not that I found dogs scary, okay maybe I found dogs a little scary, I mean you would also be terrified of them if you were chased by them like twice every three months. So whenever I saw a stray dog I would be the only one in the family to step back. There was also this one incident when my grandfather took out his cane and whacked the dogs which were chasing me. Yeah, my family is awesome. And the first time I got chased was outside my grandparents house. My grandparents weren't so rich and because of that I always played on my dad's phone until it lost it's battery. Don't comment about that. This one time though, he was outside putting the bags inside the car, that's one reason why I love my dad, he never asks us to do the work, he does it himself. Generosity. So I came up to him outside and asked, "Daddy, can I play with your phone?",and he said, "No, go inside", and there is the protectiveness of a father, No. So when I was going back to the house, suddenly I saw this huge, black dog. You know how people say you should just stay still and dogs won't attack you? Well, I did the exact opposite. I was running as fast as I could to my grandma's house, and when I got pass the gate, the dog suddenly stopped. And then I ran into the house and cried.

And when I was either 8 or 9 my family bought tickets to go to Australia. We stayed at a nice hotel and went sight seeing, but when we went to a playground we all went on this round-about, and when I went on my dad pushed it really, really fast. In fact, it was so fast I accidentally tilted and my head was two centimeters away from the ground, and the round-about was still spinning! That's how I almost scraped my head. And I've told you the third one in the last post but if you haven't read it, it went like this. You know how when you dream of falling your head will be pushed up? Well, I did that only in the opposite position. I was exhausted after watching TV for a day and I accidentally slept on my belly. And I dreamed of falling... yeah. It was a wooden floor but hard. It hurt. So that as everything i had to say, don't forget to read my sister's and mom's blogs at the addresses and promisedathousandtimesover.tumblr if YOU want me to put one of your blogs or anything here you can put it in the comments below.

Thanks for reading,TELL YOU FRIENDS!       

Corrected by: Myself

My Family

 Hello people, it's been a day since I've written and I don't know why but i feel the urge to write again. Weird. I'm going to talk about my family now and it may take a while since I have lots of family members but please don't get bored, please! I'm so lonely, why you ask, well I'll tell you. My family consists of seven people. Two guys and five feguys... I guess (comedy). I have a mom, dad, sister, sister, sister and what do you know? A sister! You can see I didn't count myself in there because I'm the youngest. Now I'll tell you the ages, 45, 43, 17, 15, 13, 12 and I myself am 10. It's a big number. Now the names, Faisal is my dad, Shila is my mom and Nadine, Sara, Sophia, and Dahlia are my sisters. You can see why I'm lonely.

 I'm going from eldest to youngest if you don't know, but i'm sure you know, I've given you clues. We all have adventures of our own but I only know mine and my dad's. I'll tell you about that in another post. I can't really think of anything to write right now so... I don't want to stop. Maybe I'll just tell you about one of my accidents. Okay you know how people always wake up pushing there heads up when they dream of falling right? Well I did that the wrong way after exhaustion of watching TV for a day. I was sleeping on the hard floor... it hurt. Please read my blog daily because I might update it every day and don't forget to check in on my sister's and mom's blog as well which are at the promisedathousandtimesover.tumblr and I'll promote anything of yours if you just put it in the comments.

Thanks for reading! TELL YOUR FRIENDS!

I corrected myself this time but if you see any mistakes please correct it in the comments, I'd appreciate it.

Thursday, 20 September 2012

My Introduction

 Hello earthling brothers and sisters, I'm currently 10 years old and my full name is Muhammad Johan Sulaiman Bin Mohammad Faisal , some people call me M.J and or J.S.One thing I used to think is that my name is very long until my teacher told me other Arabian names which were probably at least 2 times as long. And since I was showing off to my friends before, they were all like,"Hah! We told you you didn't have the longest name in the world", you don't have to say that you know. And another thing is that I can't believe I didn't think of this blog thing before, I had so many excitements, thrills and accidents in my life that I could've told you guys about.

 Another thing, please don't ask me about my picture (just kidding,please comment), my mom made my account but put that picture there. No I'm not mad at her because I'm not allowed to be and I myself forgot how it happened, so if I was angry and marched into her room and asked,"Hey! What's up with my picture!", and I think you already know what she's going to do, if you're thinking it's caning me well dump that idea in a well because I hid a cane which i found in the library at our old house so I doubt I'll ever see that  again... hopefully. And my mom is also telling me not to write my full name or else people will track me down, well my picture looks like nothing I look like right now so hah to those people who want to track me down.

And you know how other blogs and all are written in Manglish (English + Malay) and spelled in a short way, well I'm not going to do that because my English grades are going down and I don't want to make it worse, so if you see that I've done something wrong, please correct it in the comments. And please, don't call me Jojo Circus or Johan the Young Scientist, it's not cool. Please read my blog daily because I might update it everyday and read my mom's and sister's blogs as well at the addresses promisedathousandtimesover.tumblr.

Thanks for reading AND TELL YOUR FRIENDS!

Corrected by:my sisters Dahlia and Sara