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Welcome to the blog, "BIGS 'n' LITTLES". Here you will read about the big and little things which happen to the author, M. Johan .S, and many other thrilling, helpful and exciting things he just has to say.

Friday, 21 September 2012

Big 'n' Little Accidents

 Hello again, I have no idea why I'm writing twice a day, is that weird to you guys because it's weird to me, not that I'm saying that you're weird because you don't think it's weird it's just that, you know what? Never mind, I should get on with it shouldn't I? Anyways, I told you guys I was going to make a post on my past accidents. Well, here it is. Nobody really asked me to do this... (sob). Another reason for me to post twice is because I have a camp tomorrow and I can't blog when I'm at camp (obviously).                                                              

 So I have about three accidents I want to tell you guys about and it involves me being chased, almost having my head scraped and hitting my face on the ground. So when I was 4-7 my biggest fear would definitely be dogs. I'ts not that I found dogs scary, okay maybe I found dogs a little scary, I mean you would also be terrified of them if you were chased by them like twice every three months. So whenever I saw a stray dog I would be the only one in the family to step back. There was also this one incident when my grandfather took out his cane and whacked the dogs which were chasing me. Yeah, my family is awesome. And the first time I got chased was outside my grandparents house. My grandparents weren't so rich and because of that I always played on my dad's phone until it lost it's battery. Don't comment about that. This one time though, he was outside putting the bags inside the car, that's one reason why I love my dad, he never asks us to do the work, he does it himself. Generosity. So I came up to him outside and asked, "Daddy, can I play with your phone?",and he said, "No, go inside", and there is the protectiveness of a father, No. So when I was going back to the house, suddenly I saw this huge, black dog. You know how people say you should just stay still and dogs won't attack you? Well, I did the exact opposite. I was running as fast as I could to my grandma's house, and when I got pass the gate, the dog suddenly stopped. And then I ran into the house and cried.

And when I was either 8 or 9 my family bought tickets to go to Australia. We stayed at a nice hotel and went sight seeing, but when we went to a playground we all went on this round-about, and when I went on my dad pushed it really, really fast. In fact, it was so fast I accidentally tilted and my head was two centimeters away from the ground, and the round-about was still spinning! That's how I almost scraped my head. And I've told you the third one in the last post but if you haven't read it, it went like this. You know how when you dream of falling your head will be pushed up? Well, I did that only in the opposite position. I was exhausted after watching TV for a day and I accidentally slept on my belly. And I dreamed of falling... yeah. It was a wooden floor but hard. It hurt. So that as everything i had to say, don't forget to read my sister's and mom's blogs at the addresses and promisedathousandtimesover.tumblr if YOU want me to put one of your blogs or anything here you can put it in the comments below.

Thanks for reading,TELL YOU FRIENDS!       

Corrected by: Myself

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