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Welcome to the blog, "BIGS 'n' LITTLES". Here you will read about the big and little things which happen to the author, M. Johan .S, and many other thrilling, helpful and exciting things he just has to say.

Friday, 21 September 2012

My Dad

 Hello once again fellow readers, if you've read my post about my family I think you'll know what I'm going to write. If you haven't, well I recommend that you read my past posts. Anyways I think I'll start with my dad's childhood, my dad was a very smart and hardworking student. Even though his school was miles away from his home, he would always come and get top in his class every year. After that, he went to Uppingham, a very prestigious boarding school which is in England because of his grades. After his hard work in school, he finally graduated and got a scholarship to Nottingham University. There he was a little older than the rest, but he still got great friends, and there he also met my mom and I'm very grateful for that. And since my mom is now telling me not to use real names in my blog I'll just tell you the letters which my dad's friends names start with, M, E and P. To me him and his friends were more like a gang because they would always do crazy things.                                                                                                                                                  
 The first thing I was told about was that they cycled for a thousand kilometers across France. That's incredibly insane. Well, he was extremely fit that time so I guess he wanted to keep it up. Another thing he and his friends did was climbing up a mountain which had an insane blizzard on it. He said it was really scary, well that's what anyone would say after they've been stuck on a mountain which had several cliffs on it and they had no idea where they were going. Dad, next time can you tell a story to me more specifically. And obviously they didn't know there was a blizzard before they went up. His friend E didn't want to go (because he was sane) so he only went with M and P. To get down there was only two ways. A safe way down and a long fall off a cliff. They were blind in the blizzard so there map didn't really help. Fortunately, they chose the right path. And the last thing I was told was that he hiked for three hundred kilometers with a twelve-pound bag on his back.

 Like I said, my family's awesome. That's really all I'm gonna say right now so don't forget to read promisedathousandtimesover.tumblr and if YOU want me to promote any of your, well anything. Just put it in the comments below.    

Thanks for reading,TELL YOUR FRIENDS!

Corrected by: Myself but if you see any mistakes, mention it in the comments below.    


  1. HI Johan! You have an awesome dad!

  2. i love your blog! so funny but honest. keep on writing ok :) - AnS

    1. Thank you, but sorry at the same time because I've only just answered this comment. Also, I haven't written anything in months. Thank you so much.
