Hello and Welcome

Welcome to the blog, "BIGS 'n' LITTLES". Here you will read about the big and little things which happen to the author, M. Johan .S, and many other thrilling, helpful and exciting things he just has to say.

Tuesday 3 December 2013

We Meet Again People of Earth

 Hello everybody, I write to you today because... because... uhhh..... I forgot. I forgot to write 'because' once. I also forgot to tell you that I forgot to tell you that my cousins came over to my house, like, 8 days ago. And it has been quite great. Yeah....

 I haven't done much in the first half of these school holidays. Not much at all. Except for,
Swimming, Cycling, Running, Chasing, Falling, Throwing, Catching, Not Catching, Falling Again,
and last but not least, Crying.... I really haven't done anything in the first half of my holidays, and it's almost over! (Gasp) Noooooooo:&$;8$.8$:)(/&..7:(.6;).7;!.7;?6!!!!..........................

Sorry, I fainted on the keyboard.

Sunday 24 November 2013


Oh thunder, I hate you so.
For you drop happiness very low.

I think of what to do when you're around.
But wherever I turn, there is always sound.

Disturbed by the sound you make.
I go to a room which doesn't shake.

This particular room is filled with light.
Whenever I enter this room I feel alright.

In that room is someone who loves me.
For all my years, I call her Mommy.

Friday 22 November 2013

My Original Mittelo Fatty Drink Recipe


 Hello readers, today I am going to tell you about an original recipe called the,"MITTELLO DRINK".
Yes, you shouldn't make it. But if you do, it will be one of the fattiest drinks you will ever have. The reason for that is the recipe itself.

  • Milo
  • Nuttela
  • Hot Milk
  1. Get a spoonful or more of Milo and put it in your cup.
  2. Get a spoonful or more of Nuttela and do the same.
  3. Mix together until it lookes like the Milo got a darker colour.
  4. Dissolve the new powder with milk which has been in the microwave for 1 and a half minutes.  
After you've learned how to make this, DON'T.
Well at least there was moral to this story, which was, 

Sorry I've Said Sorry Too Many Times

 Hello, I bet you're getting tired of hearing these sorry things all the time. But you really can't blame me for it.
I am Primary 6 this year.

 " You're Pwimawy 6 alweady? Aohh, don't wowwy, you will always be my wittle bwother".

 Anyways, the reason I mentioned primary 6, was because I had a major exam this year. And to those Malaysians reading this, yes, it is UPSR. I bet, you want to know my results. But you can't. Don't show me a sad face.

 The second thing is, a blog I read, which was written by one of my followers, also had a sorry post. It said,
" Sorry I did not update for like about a month...". Well I would like to say, HAH! For one reason, she didn't update for a month, I didn't update my blog for FOUR MONTHS! HAHAHAHAHAHA!

Sometimes I think I'm a psycho when I'm writing my blog....


Tuesday 30 July 2013


 A word that everyone's teacher complains about. If it's not a teacher, it's a sister. Or mother/father. Not really the brother(I'm the brother). 

Definition: To delay something out of laziness
When in use: When you're delaying something out of laziness(obviously)
Example: Sister- Don't you have a mathematics test tomorrow? Go study.
               Brother- I'll do it later.
               Sister- Do it or you won't get very good marks.
               Brother- I promise, I'll do it later.
               Sister- Your choice.
               (A few hours later) 
               Brother- 10 o'clock.... I'll do it later.
               (The next day)
               Brother- Why do I do this to myself?

 You can already guess who I'm talking about right? No? Lets keep it that way.

P.S- Not a real story.

Monday 29 July 2013

My Best Friends

Don't walk in front of me, I might not follow. Don't walk behind me, I might not lead. Just walk beside me and be my friend.

 I have two friends, they stand out from the rest. Their names are Zulfadhli and Amirul. They're my best friends. Sometimes I wonder, how we became friends.

The Story

  January 4th, 2012 was the first day of school. After a long holiday, everyone was happy to come. Some people were at least, because I wasn't. Back to the story. We had our assembly in the field. Like we always do in a big occasion. We were put into lines(according to class). Amirul, Zul and I were put in one line, along with like 15 other people. Our class was named 5 Jazari. With a super class teacher, Ustaz. Yusoph.

 Amirul, Zul and I were sitting beside each other. We talked a lot. Teachers took notice and won't let us sit close to each other anymore. Ustaz. Yusoph took months to find out I talk to Amirul a lot, because Amirul talks quitely. Even though we sit in the front of the class. Amirul used to be quite and everything. When I sat next to him, that all changed. I started talking to him by talking about nigahiga.

 I knew Zul a year before 5 Jazari. We started by pretend punching each other. Wait no, I knew Zul 3 years before 5 Jazari. I used to play "fighting" with him. He was in my Qiraati class.

 So that's how I met the two. And how the two met each other. Together, we were JAMIZUL!
"Johan! We told you not to write that name in your blog, it's lame.""Yeah! Now Amirul and I have to delete it.""Never!"*A lot of fighting*

Yep, those are my best friends.

Sorry... again.

 Hello readers, this is an apology post i write every time I don't write for a few months. I promise you now though, it was not because of Clash of Clans. That game is boring now. I played for about 6 months, was a clan leader and top 10 in my clan. For some reason though, a lot of people left my clan. I left it too short after.
 Anyways, all I really want to say is sorry and basicly everything I said in the last sorry post. 

Thursday 7 March 2013

Hard to Find

 Hello people, I am writing to tell you how sorry I am to say to those people who relied on it... I can't tell you what the number for the "Jazzilcious Brownies". I have a very valid/believable reason, It was pretty hard to find Jazzli. And that's what I call a valid reason. So I will try to find him tomorrow. Bye.

Wednesday 6 March 2013

Jazzilicious Brownies!

 Hello again everybody, as some of you may know, Zul, my best friend, has a brother named ,Jazzli who is starting a business of brownies. And let me tell you, it is the best, greatest, most delicious brownie I have ever consumed in my entire existence. Which isn't very long compared to others. And by all those things I just said just now, I don't just mean that. No, what I mean is that it's so good, so good that when he gave me one, my friends tried to steal it. I have never bought his brownies before (because I got it for free cause I'm writing this as he requested) so I'm not really sure how much they cost, but let me tell you, if it's RM5, it's because it's moist, chocolaty, crispy on the outside and soft on the inside... like "Pisang Goreng". Now, if you would like to order some, dial: 

 I'm kidding it's not that, not even close, maybe. I don't really know the info right now so I'm going to ask him and I will post it tomorrow. Thank you for referring to Johan's advertised and reviewed foods. Goodnight!


Thursday 28 February 2013

Happy Birthday to Me!

 Hello everyone, right now, today, this month, this year, in this universe,(Get on with it!). I'm turning 11! Happy birthday to me! Surprisingly, I am right now writing this in school. It's computer studies. Teacher is letting us do anything we want today, coincidentally. Anyways, just now my class sang a song for me. My class is awesome. There's not much to talk about. I had my celebration last Sunday. So, I'm pretty much not doing anything anymore. Yeah....anyways, bye.

Friday 18 January 2013

Cross Country 2013

 Hello, one of the best things which I didn't write about this year was about my school's cross country. And I got the 18th place! Some of you may be mean by just being surprised. And by that I mean that they would be like, "He got 18th place?(Gasp)He  definitely cheated". It hurts.

 I have to admit though, I wasn't exactly the fastest one there. Nope. It took me half an hour to finish. I guess that's fine, considering it was five kilometres. I'm eleven years old. That didn't stop the guy in first place though, he was eleven and he finished it so fast. Like a hot knife through butter. It took twenty minutes for him to complete the race. Twenty minutes! That guy was fast. Oh well, I'll try again next year.

 After I finished the race I took a cup of Vico. Vico is this really nice drink which sponsors our cross country every year. Thank you Vico. And after, we just took off. In our car I mean. A while after driving, we realised we forgot to get someone as well. It was is my friend who is in my school and slept over at my house before the race.And we forgot to pick him up from the race. So we made a U-turn. Went back to the place, and tried to find him. I asked almost everyone there where he was. Twenty minutes passed, I started to worry. Then I saw him running towards the finish line. He hasn't finished yet. After twenty minutes. Some people are faster than others. And another thing, he was going back with his mom the whole time!

 We ended up just laughing about the whole thing.

Pathetic Endings

 Hello mankind, I just checked my blog this morning for the first time in four months. And I realised something... my endings are pathetic. I mean, tell your friends? What am I, a beggar? I can get people to read my blog in so many different ways. Sounding like a beggar, doesn't work. I have no idea why I just found out now. Maybe it's because I have grown to becoming a man. Probably not. Anyway, I'm not going to do that anymore. Okay, we have reached the end of our short discussion. See you next time, bye.


 Hello everyone. I'm so very, very sorry to those who check  my blog almost everyday to see whether there's going to be a new post. I'm looking at you Ust. Yusof  and Tc. Ain. Thank you to those who believed in me, in making a post in blog. And those who have been waiting four months for a new post. And sorry to my sisters who I said were lazy when I too was as lazy. "You mean, lazier!", said my sister. Fine, maybe I am lazier. The reason I haven't been on the blog for so long was because my mom kept telling me that I didn't have to if I didn't want to. So that's when the motivation took a holiday. The only reason I'm actually writing right now is because I don't have anything else to do. My sisters are all gone to class and camp. They took the ipad. So I'm on the computer now. Anyway, thanks so much for thinking I would be hard working on my blog. Unfortunately, you thought wrong. MODESTY!